I found this in my files, it's from my time at CBC. I thought some of you might like to work through the questions.Questions to Ask During Lent1. What progress am I making in sharing gladly what I have with others, particularly with the stranger and the poor?
2. What attitudes do I convey to those who irritate me? How can awareness of my own need of God's grace enable me to be more gracious to them?
3. How has my sense of interconnectedness in corporate worship grown of late, and how can I move ahead in appreciating the contributions and needs of other members in the congregation to which I belong?
4. Am I as charitable and thoughtful to family members as to others? Or do I "take it out" on my family when life at school or work gets hectic?
5. Can I redistribute my long-range personal budget in order to have more money to give away?
6. When I hear someone being unjustly maligned, do I speak up to correct the record, or am I a silent accomplice?
7. How can I more effectively and consistently support legislation and social programs that help the disadvantaged rather than hurt them?
8. In devotional acts of prayer and reading, am I increasing my attention span and discovering new ways of listening rather than of talking, giving thanks rather than of complaining?
9. As I uncover and attempt to deal with one level of prejudice in my life, what other levels do I find lurking underneath, and how can I confront them?
10. In addition to intercessory prayer, what habits can I develop that allow me to be more responsive to the sick, the distressed, and the bereaved, particularly when their needs emerge suddenly and allow for such unanticipated opportunities to minister to others?
11. Am I, by consistent attendance at worship, a witness to others of the worthiness of the God I follow? Or am I, by my sporadic attendance, suggesting that God by worth serving some times, but not others?