Thursday, February 26, 2009


Yesterday was the big Lent kick off. Not to be confused with the big lint kick off. That usually happens on Thursday laundry days (sorry for wasting 15 seconds of your time on the last 2 sentences).
As a community, we are going to fast from consumerism. Everyone is going to make a different commitment level - but we are going to gather together twice a week with Jesus and each other to eat a tasty nutritious meal and pray.
I started some bad habits when I didn't have a stove and plan on totally breaking off those habits in this season. My fast from my consumer habits is going to including not buying packaged foods (including chips, chocolate, and pop), cutting back on alcohol, not buying clothes, shoes, books, or music, not eating out (or very rarely), not buying coffee, and going to no or less rock shows. Why? To become more aware of where my resources go. For health - to get back into good habits, and a spring cleaning of my body. To gather to fast and pray (for Heidi's condo to sell, for the bed bugs, the health of the house, for Candeo, for more unity and vision as a community). For an adventure with Jesus. I'm hoping to become more like Jesus by shopping more like Jesus. Would Jesus have dropped $80 on a steal of a deal M&N purse? Probably not. But it looks really really good. WWJB?

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