Monday, October 6, 2008

Thy Kingdom Come

Enough of this house stress.

B-Rock's blog reminded me about our name and got me contemplating:

Your Kingdom come,
Your Will be done,
on earth,
as it is,
in Heaven

Eugene Peterson translates it as:

Set the world right;
Do what's best -
as above, so below.

I'm drawn mostly to the idea of God's kingdom here on earth; about setting the world right. (And those of you that know me, know that I'm not interested in it in the sense of a theocracy, of imposing so-called biblical morals on all citizens.) I'm interested in how we live our lives in a kingdom way.

I googled "thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven" and found this blog post (and having read only this one post, make no claims as to the quality of the rest of the blog) that got me thinking some more.

I have more thoughts on this, but I want to hear what some of you guys think about our name sake.


Justina said...

can someone please re-invite me to contribute to this blog please. and thanks.

Sarah said...

angela has to do it - maybe you should email her.